First, choose a soft plastic card. My makro card was finally useful!

Ok, next use the soft plastic card and try to "selit" it through the thin crack near the knob. Needs a lot of "maneuvering" and more bending of the card. If all fails just push hard hard!!
Apparently, the whole lock system was designed to be able to break open! What the... You know the door has a thingy sticking out at the side of it? Well, when you lock the door, you can't open from the outside but the thingy sticking out can still be pushed in! *Amazed*

Now you guys can go try it at home! hehe To make it more fun, time yourself!
Ps: Don't practice till it become like this laaa

oh my god
Shaddap u vj!! I can feel ur sarcasm.. Blehh!
Not farnee le... I wonder who killed vj's door?? now that's funny!! hehehehe
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