Who could resist this 'alarm clock'
Yeap, my niece is my alarm clock :) She does not greet with those boring alarm clocks that goes 'teet teet teet' or those radio alarm clocks.. The first words when she sees me are "Babak Aunty!" hehe which translates to "Whack Aunty!" Then I would steal her pillows and blosters and she would say "Nanak Aunty!" or sometimes "Noooo Aunty!" hehe My morning wake up calls are always fun and it's a way to start my day.. with a smile on my face and my niece :)
Awww..such a cutey pie. I wanted to ajak u to Endah Parade yesterday since I was in the area. But takut u sleeping.
hehe next time, call only! :) But I think I was not home :p
Aunty? Haha. I couldn't help but laugh. Aunty Jes!
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