I'm sure all of us had one (or many) crush(es) at one point in our lives. The feeling of wanting to see that one person, the palpitations and sweaty hands when you see them, the stammering and senseless conversation, the making a fool out of one self at the wrong time.... Wait a minute... This sounds like love, or is it not? Or is it an infatuation? The trailing of that one person, the need to know where that person stays, occupation, family... Now, is it an obsession?
A crush feels like some kind of attraction towards a person without even knowing much about the person. Maybe it's the looks? Personality? Body language? After being attracted to goodness knows what about the person, comes the event of wanting to see that person everyday, occupying your mind all day, wishing that we are together, seeing a potential marriage in the future. It's weird thinking about all this. It's even scarier if your crush does know and thinks you're a freak. Imagine your feelings are so strong and you made the first approach thinking it's love. Could you handle the possiblity of rejection? Some may say, oh well, at least I tried. And then you just forget about the whole thing. Can you?
I think crushes have a huge impact in our lives. It keeps our emotions running, the longing of being with someone, the perfectness of a human being (oblivious to their flaws) and getting the person you want in your life. But doesn't this sound a lot like love?
I know people have crushes on those Hollywood or Bollywood stars. Heck, some even have crushes on grandpas and grandmas! When your secret is out, your friends would tease you like hell and after awhile, they're tired of you ranting about that one person and tells you, It's just a crush! You'll get over it! Some crushes last for a long time and if you're lucky, blooms to love.
Sometimes I think love starts with a crush and if that works out, good for you! It's like a dream come true. But if it doesn't and you still want that person in your life, it becomes an obsession.
Having a crush is like a emotional rollecoaster ride. You're elated when you see and be around your crush but depressed when you can't have your crush. One minute you're euphoric, the next down in the dumps.
And yes, currently I have Chronic Crush Syndrome. Sigh.....

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